High Meadows Environmental Institute
HMEI established internships
Pace Center
Internship & Fellowship Opportunities
Project 55 Fellowships - Princeton AlumniCorps.
Project 55 Fellowships are paid year-long opportunities within the nonprofit and public interest sectors, including positions in healthcare, youth advocacy, arts education, energy, community development, and much more. For further information, please click and follow Fellowship Directory for available positions, and our Project 55 Application page for additional information. Applications are due April 1st.
Environment America Fellowships & Internships
Apply online at www.environmentamerica.org/jobs or find more info on Tiger Tracks.
PIRG Jobs and Opportunites
U.S. PIRG is part of The Public Interest Network
Princeton Internships in Civic Service
Applications for summer internships are due in November.
Center for Career Development
CCD - Available to the Princeton University community.
New Jersey Public Interest Research Group
International Internship Program
IIP at the Office of Internationlal Programs
ICPSR Summer Program
ICPSR is a unit within the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan